(通讯员:许文龙)3月30日下午,香港中文大学Gordon Mathews教授做客一百六十一期天下论坛,基于他最新出版的书籍《The World in Guangzhou: Africans and Other Foreigners in South China’s Global Marketplace》,Mathews教授为我院师生带来了一场精彩的讲座。此次讲座由Tu HUYNH教授主持。

Gordon Mathews教授

演讲中的Gordon Mathew教授
互动环节进行了约一个小时,同学们踊跃提问,Gordon Mathew教授就各个问题做出了详细解答,同学们获益匪浅。最后,Gordon Mathew教授同与会老师合影留念。

Gordon Mathews is Professor and Chair of the Department of Anthropology at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Hehas written and edited books on the meaning of life in Japan and the United States, the global cultural supermarket, culture and identity, belonging to a nation in Hong Kong and elsewhere, how different societies conceive of happiness, and low-end globalization.Over the past years, he has published articles on anthropology in East Asia, happiness and neoliberalism in Japan, and how to traders in low-end globalization get their goods past customs in China.